[Coach Certification Course] WT ONLINE International Coach Certification Course [Level II] - WTA (English)
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Writer: WT Asia   Comment: 0   Hit: 6,798 Date: 2020-08-24본문
Online registration for WT Online Coach Certification Course [Level II] (English) - September 11th - 13th is now LIVE in GMS.
Deadline for the registration is September 9th, 2020, 11:59:PM (GMT +09:00 Asia/Seoul).
If you have an interest regarding the course, please visit the below link;
Attachment 1. Official Outline
Attachment 2. WT Coach Course WTA (L2) infographic
Attachment 3. House Keeping Rules for WT Online Coach Courses
- 01. Official Outline.pdf (273.8K) 71Download | DATE : 2020-08-24 14:35:45
- 02. WT Coach Course WTA L2 infographic.pdf (1.2M) 73Download | DATE : 2020-08-24 14:35:45
- 06. House Keeping Rules for WT Online Coach Courses.pdf (148.5K) 67Download | DATE : 2020-08-24 14:35:45