[Online] Invitation to Online 2021 ATU Club Poomsae Open Championships
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Writer: ATU   Comment: 0   Hit: 7,013 Date: 2021-09-16본문
Dear ATU Family,
Warmest greetings from ATU.
First of all, I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy.
The whole world is still suffering from a global pandemic since last year, and the life of our Taekwondo Families has changed drastically in many ways.
Although we are in this difficult situation, I believe that Taekwondo, as martial arts and sports, can help us to overcome and step forward to a bright future.
Through the Online 2021 ATU Club Poomsae Open Championships, I expect you will be able to practice and compete in our beloved Taekwondo and it will lead us to have the opportunity to discover new possibilities.
I sincerely hope all of you enjoy this online Championships and it will allow us time to forget the adversity that we are facing now for a while.
I look forward to your active participation.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
The whole world is still suffering from a global pandemic since last year, and the life of our Taekwondo Families has changed drastically in many ways.
Although we are in this difficult situation, I believe that Taekwondo, as martial arts and sports, can help us to overcome and step forward to a bright future.
Through the Online 2021 ATU Club Poomsae Open Championships, I expect you will be able to practice and compete in our beloved Taekwondo and it will lead us to have the opportunity to discover new possibilities.
I sincerely hope all of you enjoy this online Championships and it will allow us time to forget the adversity that we are facing now for a while.
I look forward to your active participation.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Kyu Seok Lee
- Final_Online 2021 ATU Club Poomsae Open Champs_MNAs.pdf (248.7K) 194Download | DATE : 2021-09-16 13:35:36