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ATU_Candidate Profile Book of 2017 ATU Elections

페이지 정보

Writer: WT Asia   Comment: 0   Hit: 17,481 Date: 2017-05-15


ATU 2017 04-075 

April 24th, 2017


To: Presidents and Secretaries General of ATU MNAs

      ATU Council Members

Re: Candidate Profile Book of 2017 ATU Elections



Dear ATU Colleagues,


I send you my warmest greetings from the Asian Taekwondo Union.


As you are well aware, there will be an ATU Extraordinary General Assembly to elect ATU officials in Muju, Korea on June 23rd, 2017.


In accordance with Article 6. 6-B of the ATU Statutes, ATU received Candidate Application Form and all required documents and ATU Ad-Hoc Elections Committee reviewed all submitted applications to confirm whether or not they satisfy the requirements.


Please find the Candidate Profile Book of 2017 ATU Elections containing a list of Candidates and information about each candidate’s experience and vision.



The Candidate Profile Book is intended only for the consideration of ATU MNA Presidents and ATU Council Members. Therefore, please do not share this document.


Best regards,




Young Gap Kim


Chairman of Elections Committee



Encl. Event Schedule

Candidate Profile Book of 2017 ATU Elections
