[Notice] List of ATU Council (2021-2025)
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Writer: WT Asia   Comment: 0   Hit: 6,708 Date: 2021-10-26본문
We are please to announce the list of ATU Council (2021-2025).
Please check the attachment for the details.
List of ATU Council (2021-2025)
1. Kyu Seok LEE, Republic of Korea
<Vice-President (Male)> - Elected
1. Jin-bang YANG, Republic of Korea
2. Seyed Mohammad POULADGAR, Islamic Republic of Iran
3. Ngoc De TRUONG, Vietnam
<Vice-President (Male)> - Appointed
1. Pimol SRIVIKORN, Thailand
2. Deeb Abdelrahim Sedo KURDI, Jordan
3. Sang Jin KIM, Republic of Korea
<Vice-President (Female)> - Elevated from Council Member
1. Carine LAHOUD, Lebanon
<Council Member (Female)>
1. Fajar ALBINALI, Bahrain
2. Nancy Adnan EL-HINDI, Jordan
3. Yoriko OKAMOTO, Japan
<Council Member (Male)>
1. Kyung-bae LEE, Republic of Korea
2. Stephen V. FERNANDEZ, Philippines
3. Rajendran MUTHUSAMY, Malaysia
4. Arman CHILMANOV, Kazakhstan
5. Zayed Khalifa ALSUWAIDI, U.A.E.
6. Huo-Lu CHANG, Chinese Taipei
7. Prakash Shumsher RANA, Nepal
1. Young Gap KIM, Republic of Korea
- List of ATU Council 2021-2025.pdf (312.5K) 125Download | DATE : 2021-10-26 10:35:45